Grand Jury to Investigate Covid Vaccine Crimes in Florida

Powerful individuals and organizations have prioritized their own interests over the well-being of the public during this alleged Covid-19 pandemic.

Australian Senator Gerard Rennick has accused health authorities and Big Pharma of lying and engaging in pay-outs in the development and distribution of Covid vaccines.

Rennick’s statements made to the Senate on the record raise serious concerns about the trustworthiness of those responsible for our healthcare and have led to him calling for an investigation into the potential corruption and misinformation surrounding the Covid vaccine industry.

Meanwhile, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has taken a stand against such misconduct, petitioning the Florida Supreme Court for a grand jury investigation into the matter.

In addition to this, DeSantis has implemented autopsy surveillance of sudden deaths occurring post-vaccination and has established an independent Public Health Integrity Committee to assess federal health guidance.


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